1 out of #100DaysOfCode - Project scope


Written by Guillaume Moigneu

Time to start reporting on the #100DaysOfCode initiative. Even if I can’t do these 100 days in a row, I’ll try to stay on track as much as possible.

The project

In order to make things a little more realistic, it is always better to have a practical use-case. The goal of the next 100 days will be to have a fully working release of a tool called randomdata.dev.

As a developer, I always need to seed my projects with random entities to test things out. Mostly working with PHP nowadays, Faker is the library of choice when doing this. While it has so many interesting features, it lacks consistency and is heavily towards generating user/people oriented attributes.

Here are the main features I want randomdata.dev to have available:

  • All attributes of an entity should be coherent. For example, an email adress generated for Guillaume Moigneu should be guillaume@company.com or guillaume.moigneu@gmail.com for example.
  • Capable of generating different entities like products.
  • Based on a REST API that can output JSON, CSV and XML.


From a personal standpoint, I need to learn new things. So the project will include:

  • Golang as a base language for the API as I’m not yet familiar with it
  • Orchestration using Kubernetes
  • Performance monitoring
  • And the marketing aspects of launching a product (even a free one)
  • Locales

Alright! Time to start!

See the next article: 2 out of #100DaysOfCode - Bootstrap the API